Within this design process I was eager to come to a definite decision near the beginning as to what genre I should use. But by allowing myself to explore more than one genre not only visually but culturally too, I have been able to realise that there is more meaning to my design then I had originally anticipated.
My final design has translated the original narrative into a native American setting. The elements of native American culture has allowed me to reflect my idea accordingly - having a giant tepee instead of a grand castle, forest of cactus's in comparison to trees.
The hardest transition was deciding on what could symbolise the Lion's precious rose bush which the father of the 'Lady' picks from. Then the idea of sacred burning embers came to mind! Indians are known for being tribal and very traditional in their celebrations - consisting of chanting and very lively dances around a blazing campfire. Therefore the idea of translating the father picking a precious rose into capturing a sacred ember I felt would reflect the narrative appropriately.
When considering other factors concerning this genre, the surroundings and overall set dressing of the set should reflect the deserted, natural, open land of sandy ground and neglected earth (see background image in transition concepts for example - previous post). The characters within this play would also need to communicate this genre through costume and behaviour. In my eyes the Lion should be a native Indian - taking ownership of the grand tepee and the father and his servant should be cowboys on horseback riding through the 'Cacti Forest' discovering the castle (well tepee!) and the beautiful garden behind.
Costume Design- 'Lion' in the Wild West Genre

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